Inline Tabs Test

Installation of Frobnicator

Choose your operating system below for specific installation instructions:

Steps to install on Windows 7 or later:

  1. Download VideoF2B.exe from such-and-such link.

  2. Move the downloaded file to any desired folder.

  3. Run the application by double-clicking it.

  4. Enjoy!

  5. Extra lines just to observe effect of height difference between tabs:

  6. abc

  7. xyz

  8. xyzzy

  9. etc.

Steps to install on Ubuntu Linux:

  1. Download the videof2b binary from such-and-such link.

  2. Move to any desired directory.

  3. Run the application videof2b.

  4. Enjoy!

Additional options for Ubuntu:

Nested tab for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Nested tab for Ubuntu 22.04

This is text after the tabs, which seems to flow right through. This avoids breaking the flow of the document.